Came to the grave, my shattered heart
Yet aching, did not wish to see
The bruises, wounds that tore apart
My everlasting Majesty.
Thy mouth that spoke of courage, peace
And promises to always be,
Did utter cries of agony!
That horrid day of tragedy!
Mockery did echo loud,
"If thou be king, then save thyself!"
Wished my soul that to that crowd
Thy glory would reveal itself.
Yet here You lay in linen, bound
I walk up to the door to see
My Master, nowhere to be found!
A cruel act of thievery.
And as my tears fall to the ground
Who do I hear call my name?
Suddenly I turn around
And answer to my Shepherds sound!
The fruit of sin, you've crushed within
The sting of death no longer wins!
Your blood upon the mercy seat
Has put the devil to defeat!!!
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