ridete! et tu, homo honeste, specta se sequar;
se, hunc regem pentacula, semper rectus, nunquam non.
saepe tuam formam gerit, glutinat in senis larvis
secutus a tu tergo specula invidiae ac aviditatis.
rex pentaculorum opsequium poscit meum
et ego parere et ego vivere odio. ridete, auditores!
rex pentaculorum hospes est et ego ludi sum.
Laugh! And you, noble man, see who I follow;
him, the King of Pentacles, always upright, never not.
Sometimes he will take your form, plastered on the old spectres
lined up behind you in the mirror of avarice and impatience.
The King of Pentacles is demanding my obedience,
I demand to obey, and to live for the bile. Laugh, audience!
The King of Pentacles is the host, I am the game.
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