There is nothing more real, more obvious,
More tangible than the present moment.
Where we can flow,
Where all our senses can play
Allowing us to see the obvious,
See our pretensions,
Unbridled passions and false identities,
We build around ourselves.
Yet we choose not to see it completely,
We choose to ignore it at times.
Absorbed in other worlds created by thought,
Silently suffering pain & nursing invisible scars.
Of trying to be what we are not,
Trying to control everyone and everything else
Save ourselves.
Failing, wailing, crying,
Since the world does not change the way we want,
Making us sad.
Yet we choose to change not ourselves,
Yet we choose to see not the present
Yet we choose to listen not
Yet we choose to feel not
Yet we choose to trust not
Yet we choose to rush through mindlessly
All sadness of life lies in our choices
Of not seeing the obvious,
Of not engaging with the present
Of not making the choices the present offers
Of not exchanging what our souls desire.
So timid; so afraid; so personality filled,
All the sadness of life lies in that vague ego.
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