Sol Concealed
“How dare you block my blaze,” Sun said to Moon,
“it’s disrespectful.” Moon ignored his whining,
continuing to move before his shining
indignant visage. The sunny afternoon
was swiftly growing moonless, and the stars
popped up across the sky with Saturn, Mars,
great Jupiter, white Venus, a dazzling dot,
and even Mercury, infrequent guest,
along with the Great Canine in the west
witnessed in the winter, not on hot
dog-day afternoons. Now Sun was seething
while we eyewitnesses were barely breathing.
The wind changed course, birds took a power nap,
the crickets started quavering, and we
stood round, gaping and goggling in Tennessee,
pondering this otherworldly gap,
this discontinuation of the light.
Feeling effaced, Sun burned for a fiery fight.
What happened next was truly epoch-making.
Ceasing its mischief, by minute degrees
Moon slunk away. The world’s hostilities
ended at once. No longer bellyaching,
Sun shown again in all its awesome glory,
forgetting that all things are transitory.
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