Tides  - puppets of the universe  and earth's vernal motherlode.
Cast by the sky's holy triad through the mists.
Pawn to a faraway galaxy that girds  imagination.
Magnetic beam of cosmos shunting silver tinted streams.
Gravity a potent  magnate, elemental,  pulls no punches.
“Neap” and tuck nadir.
High water birth pang at umbilical first dawn.
Sinewed ripple gnaws rushing  rivulet’s heal.
Bearer of the brine filled backwash.
Manaunaun, mythic sea god and whirlpool tempo antic.
Curator from the  carrageen cusp.
Ear of gaia,  titan offspring soaking up the ocean's saline secret.
Pier rock and crevice cleansed of interstitial lichen,
purge on spuming moss fleck.
Marees vertes comme marees veritie?
Tilting reeds rib crowd flora and their flock like gesture.
Rapid froth fresco leach the rampart coastline.
A pebble strewn beach clutching spiral seashells in captivity.
Telltale footprint of lunar love or daily dalliance.
Nocturnal sigh swallowed in a swirling  Eros.
Tangled torso’s sensual gasp filtered,
through Aeon’s heady torrent.
Moonlit laughter pours into the sand ,
with the  primal flood pulse.
Neptune nudge and wink peering,
enviously behind some cloud.
Venus waltz to a Greek Aphrodite,
sways in that  ballroom in the sky.
Tide eternal, tide of time, tide of passage.
Spring tide on the march!
Always in ascendance,
never out of season!
Heartfelt tidings to infinity beyond.



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