by medge
The private quarters of Christ are still. He searched the mountain top, 
the hot plain below. Saw leopard perched. Goat bloodied under snow feet.
He combed the sacred cave in the foothills. Friendless pockets 
where the flower grows. Each was silent but for the ringing silence makes.
Is this His room? he asked thinking Love might know, but Love was mute. 
Silence echoed. Then his wife, thinking she might know, being practical
and with the insight women have. Are the private quarters of Christ still?
Do you know where He lives? She surprised him with what she knew 
yet what she said seemed, practical. And so he searched further afield.
He came upon a wise man with a sign, Knowledge for Sale.
The price was high but then he thought his knowledge might be too. 
The private quarters of Christ are still, he said. Can you tell me why?
He died, he replied. He no longer lives here. But I heard something high, 
or was it low? Silence sounded and resounded. I was given practical 
information by my wife. Yes, he said, everyone seems to have a point of view
but I am quite certain He is no longer of this plane. If the master knew 
when the thief would come he would not be robbed. Furthermore, it is well 
documented that the child inclines the father to the son. Then he walked 
into another room and with the door ajar was heard to say, I came upon 
a wise man. He asked if I could tell him why the private quarters of Christ 
are still. He gave me a hundred dollars, and when he left I thought I heard 
the ringing silence makes. 
"If the master knew...he would not be robbed." A paraphrase of Matthew 24:43
"The child the son." A paraphrase from Wordsworth's, My Heart Leaps Up...


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