Heavy on me now she pulls
As distance starts to grow
Yet quickly in my mind I see
Her lines I've come to know
I let her go amidst belief
At our centers we are bound
All orbits have their farthest reach
Then come faster back around
One last kiss is ours to hold
Until it blooms anew
The time apart is useful then
To look at what we grew
Would I for her my secrets bare
My soul into the light
And still her fondness unto me
Keep by in her sight
A fire needs its space to burn
To hold its scarlet heat
The time apart is good for flame
And hearts that singly beat
Cherishing the words she speaks
Numbered in my mind
Happiness around them kept
With smile I will find
The time apart is like the wind
It ushers us to move
Gently but in sudden squall
And to a place that's true
To whom shall thanks be given for
A gift that has a name
A name I whisper silently
'Ere the time apart is came
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