Travelling home to meet my mother,
I held memories of past times in a foreign land,
We have had pleasurable moments over the phone,
With smiles and laughter during video calls.
Travelling home to meet my mother,
Oh, how I long to see her face,
Sit with her on the porch in the twilight,
Stroll with her in the ambience of autumn.
Travelling to meet my mother,
The lamp that gave light to my home in the dark days,
When the Iroko’s boughs grew feeble,
And its leaves finally fell.
Travelling to meet my mother,
She made me discover the beauty in nature and the arts,
She pulled me out of the dark waters,
Teaching me how to fight and subdue my monsters.
Oh, mother, I haven’t yet lost sight of Zion,
Your words have buoyed me in a foreign land,
Oh, Mother cradle and surround me with your love,
And the hills of your wisdom.
Oh, mother, I’m home,
Where are you?
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