you cried when we left the house where you were born
not for friends left behind
not for lost secret places in the garden
not for the bedroom where soft pencil lines
marked your growing
you cried for the purple tiger who lived on the roof
afraid he’d get wet if it rained
sure the new people
unaware of their tenant
wouldn’t think to bring him inside
I tried to assure you
he would come with us to the new house
was already loping behind the car
soft wind rippling his violet fur
you looked at me sadly and explained
the roof was his home and anyway
purple tigers weren’t allowed in Wales
and so it was over
tears dried you never spoke of him again
found new friends
a pink dog
and a dwarf whose name I forget
but whose strength and sword protected you
when my love could not
an actor now, paid to pretend
you laugh when I worry the purple tiger
might be still on the roof
rain streaked
you say you don’t remember
but I wonder if you saw in his eyes
the homeless man you talk to because no one else does
in his hunched form
the rag wrapped woman you offer food
because she has none
you know now tigers are not purple
time and rain washed his colour away
but you cared then as you care now
for those no one else can see
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