Pushing on to each calculated step
Romantic ideal no elevator
Explicit instructions to builder-yep
Twisted at bottom is where they found her
Whooshing down the invigorated child
Contributed wax helped rush all the same
Status wealth couldn't eradicate wild
Family tradition reason now lame?
Figuring inheritance plans for next
Clutched knife one hand other inched banister
Greed or deep rooted Oedipus complex
Inspired son to murder his own father
Every potion or shaman brought to place
Unable to lift curse-wanding staircase.
1-3-2017 Duncan R.M. Ferguson
Deep Under Sonnet Landing:
Trenchcoats with lifted collars often seen
Suspicious cargo van parked outside place
Code names-secret passwords heavily lean
Contractor installing-spy real staircase. DRMF
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