with powerful
arms. clutching
the waist, holding
the body upright against a
volley of eyes and questions.
inhaling the scent of security.
Home, a friend, the only one to
confide in, who blankets your car
in thin strands of hair, who communicates
inside jokes through morse code, who has talked
you through irrational 2 A.M. thoughts. the perfect
friend who lets you express emotions and understands without speaking,
yet you still left.
turning away from that friend, disrespecting foolish promises,
ones that seemed so simple at the time, without any
explanation, nor reconciliation. slamming
the relationship like cymbals, feeling the
vibrations in your hands even after all
the noise has passed. never glancing
back to what once was. sometimes
visiting the old place you’ll see
them, that Home, out of the
corner of your eye. feeling
vibrations again, knowing
someone else is there,
with them, and then
wonder if what you
have now, this new
place, could be
like that old
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