A dark sweaty palm,
tapped my shoulder,
or was that an illusion?
Was that  a whispered  scruple I heard,
perhaps  a doubtful  afterthought.
Eyes squint and furrowed brows,
wrinkle  as my inner bully,
rears its ugly head.
The thing we seek most refuge from,
amplifies discomfort.
Tearful regret or chilly sniffle, 
missed opportunity in hot pursuit.
Secret golden nugget in cabinet,
this wish list open file.
Shadow of my former self.
Thoughts pirouette  ballet like,
as they  rule the roost. 
Rule the waves.
Imperial wizard hidebound,
now in terminal decline.
Grandmaster aura interceptor,
of their own neon light source.
Poseur of  inevitable umbra called,
museum piece or endgame.
Heyday epic hero for nucleus,
of halcyon youth.
Cash cow for the hapless.
Senior moments a poorly,
casted shadow play,
or usher to rejuvenated comeback



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