by Sweety

Am I the ego

Am I the consciousness

Am I the desires

Am I the body


Who am I?

Why, I’d rather open the windows of existence

The windows of mystery

And clearly say

I am the notes of music

Played on a lonely moonlit night

I am the lyrics of a love song

Played on a starry night, at the beach

I am made of the same matter

That propels the sun to shine, to moon to glow

The stars to sparkle

And the universe to be!

I am part of the reason why the Earth revolves

I am imbibed of the same driving force!


My stay shall last a while

It can be a few days, a few seconds

Or even a few more years


The answers to my soul’s curious questions

Shall I shall meet the one

Who plays those same notes that make me up!

​Patience enrobes me, envelopes my senses
​Better not fret!

The meaning of everything shall show itself!

Patience for now!



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