Life’s plenteous sweet joy has rich abundance,
a friendly wave or meaningful encounter,
helpful stranger at  the bus stop late at night,
maybe while I hitchhike worlds exotic,
a warm-hearted nod  from nameless passer-by,
whose kind gesture we struggle to recall,
but lodge as wondrous note in deep recess,
exuberance from children as they shriek with all their might,
release of welcome classroom respite ushered in,
revel in the present and the past,
populate your mind with  sumptuous feasts,
that awesome color spectrum flight  empyrean,
daybreak, noonday, eventide,
mesmerizing highpoint one must capture,
irrespective of environment some velvet trance 
is seldom faraway,
but like travelers on platforms,
it's a Jack-O-Lantern phase,
to linger a transitional short hop,
why not celebrate imaginative flair,
cerulean galactic chalk tipi scroll,
utopia on pavement underfoot,
or in dream theme city park,
green shoot pasture verdant within distance,
wherever we may be, whenever it might be,
we as human beings should rejoice without delay



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