And now they left us to roast...
Like the rooster back to the roost
Unknown to them, unknown!
Success they implanted on our trail;

And now they left us to roast...
Like the smoldering remnants of beef
On the aboki man's suya grill
Desiccated beyond edibility
But warm, yes! warm;

And now they left us to roam...
With the hope that we'd be lost
Unable to find our way home
But home is filled with aroma
And its sweet savour: a thread
That leads us straight to freedom
To our sweet ancestral abode;

They left us to roam...
Wishful for our demise
Unlaced sandals of thorn
They proferred to us
Worn carelessly
Clapping soundlessly on sand
Like the flapping ear of the elephant
Kissing the air, yet beckoning;

And now they lied against us...
Against all odds, we survived
Held to life by our passions
Our very strong will to be victors
Even at the depth of destitution;

And now they brand us destitute...
Without history or culture or structure
We, a people of illustrous acclaim
That struggled to achieve with sweat
Against time and tides and throes
Against all hatreds of humanity
Against all those who perceived
But never bothered to trek the path
To Ndigboland, a land of frozen journey
To see, to appreciate, to fathom
Yet, we're loathed like the rotten carcass of yam
And our black gold they farmed out
Planting discord in our united midst
Yet, our mansions fill their landscape
What manner of men to call brothers.



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