I've always wandered this world feeling alone,
with the mindset that my creator has their reason
for me to be on my own,
with no place i really considered calling my
so standing strong and alone is how i choose to
forever roam,
i have no fear of the razor sharp jagged roads,
i will always combat the negative stares, cold
shoulders that have their noses upturned,
so your judgement droning on how i will never
be nothing more than a stepping stone for people
to throw on a floor,
you just mad cause i'm not under your control
and i just keep kicking open your obsticle doors,
because damn you are trying hard to prevent me
from reaching the top of the world to soar,
i'm not letting anyones hate and misery hold me
back anymore,
i,ll just start pushing hating fools off the cliff
edge in pushing forward to persue my mental
destination goal,
so here hold my i don't give a damn sign
around your neck as i'm leaving my lyrical
signature in the dirt on every shore i explore,
so all you haters keep your ears tuned cause
you will know all about me on every continent
across the world cause i'm even reaching the
deepest civilizations dwelling in the amazon
jungles core,
thats when you will understand its furtile in
attempting to block me on my way to fulfilling
the purpose my creator put me in this exitance
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Sometimes life will just run
Sometimes life will just run at us full force, sometimes life will put you at cross roads that make no sense at that moment, sometimes life will just easy smooth flow with us, no matter what scenrio life puts you in, always keep your head up, your spirit strong, your heart, soul and mind focused, life is like an attack dog once you break eye contact then it knows to charge in hoping it can defeat you.
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