My own dear love I write to you

My own dear love I write to you,
Religion's scarce and preachers few;
I trust in God and daily pray
In the lonely mountains far away.

When I was on the ice and snow,
It hailed and rained, the wind did blow;
You gave to me a parting hand,
" And you wished me safe in the Cumberland. "

Unto this work I give my life,
But it is no place to bring a wife;
The promise that you gave to me,
I will give it back and set you free.

In winter time the wolves will howl
Around my door the Red Men prowl;
But for myself I have no fear,
For I trust in God who sent me here.

I am sad to pen these lines to you,
I have no doubt your love is true;
But you're free to choose another man,
For I'll spend my days in the Cumberland.

I have a few more lines to write to you
And then I'll bid a fond adieu;
I'll never cease for you to pray,
In the lonely mountain far away.
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