Naturall comparisons with perfect love
Naturall comparisons with perfect loue
The lowest Trees haue tops, the Ante her gall,
The flie her splene, the little sparkes their heate:
The slender haires cast shadowes, though but small,
And Bees haue stings, although they be not great:
Seas haue their sourse, & so haue shallow springs,
And loue is loue, in Beggars, as in Kings.
Where riuers smoothest run, deepe are the foords,
The Diall stirres, yet none perceiues it mooue:
The firmest faith is in the fewest wordes,
The Turtles cannot sing, and yet they loue:
True Harts haue eyes, & eares, no tongs to speake,
They heare, & see, and sigh, and then they breake.
The lowest Trees haue tops, the Ante her gall,
The flie her splene, the little sparkes their heate:
The slender haires cast shadowes, though but small,
And Bees haue stings, although they be not great:
Seas haue their sourse, & so haue shallow springs,
And loue is loue, in Beggars, as in Kings.
Where riuers smoothest run, deepe are the foords,
The Diall stirres, yet none perceiues it mooue:
The firmest faith is in the fewest wordes,
The Turtles cannot sing, and yet they loue:
True Harts haue eyes, & eares, no tongs to speake,
They heare, & see, and sigh, and then they breake.
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