No Greater Love

I walked one day on a lonely road,
My soul in deep despair.
I sought in vain to loose the load,
That sin, my sin, had planted there.

When in the distance I perceived,
A man bent low with care.
He bore in agony a cross,
That sin, my sin, had planted there.

I cried aloud as He drew near,
His hands were pierced and torn.
His grief so far outweighed my own,
And I had dared to mourn.

His eyes of love were turned on me,
His voice was soft and free.
" Why bear you still the load I took,
Through death on Calvary? "

" Why, Lord, " in awe and shame I cried,
" Didst Thou all this for me? "
His answer I shall ne'er forget,
" Because of love for thee. "

Now as the road of time I tread,
My Saviour walks with me.
He bears the load, He paid the price,
That bought me liberty.
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