A Nymph's Disdain of Love
A Nimphs disdaine of Loue.
Hey downe a downe did Dian sing,
amongst her Virgins sitting:
Then loue there is no vainer thing,
for Maydens most vnfitting,
And so think I, with a downe downe derrie.
When women knew no woe,
but liu'd them-selues to please:
Mens fayning guiles they did not know,
the ground of their disease.
Vnborne was false suspect,
no thought of iealousie:
From wanton toyes and fond affect,
The Virgins life was free.
Hey downe a downe did Dian sing &c.
At length men vsed charmes,
to which what Maides gaue eare:
Embracing gladly endlesse harmes,
anone enthralled were.
Thus women welcom'd woe,
disguis'd in name of loue:
A iealous hell, a painted show,
so shall they finde that proue.
Hey downe a downe did Dian sing,
amongst her Virgins sitting:
Then loue there is no vainer thing,
for Maydens most vnfitting,
And so thinke I, with a downe downe derrie.
Hey downe a downe did Dian sing,
amongst her Virgins sitting:
Then loue there is no vainer thing,
for Maydens most vnfitting,
And so think I, with a downe downe derrie.
When women knew no woe,
but liu'd them-selues to please:
Mens fayning guiles they did not know,
the ground of their disease.
Vnborne was false suspect,
no thought of iealousie:
From wanton toyes and fond affect,
The Virgins life was free.
Hey downe a downe did Dian sing &c.
At length men vsed charmes,
to which what Maides gaue eare:
Embracing gladly endlesse harmes,
anone enthralled were.
Thus women welcom'd woe,
disguis'd in name of loue:
A iealous hell, a painted show,
so shall they finde that proue.
Hey downe a downe did Dian sing,
amongst her Virgins sitting:
Then loue there is no vainer thing,
for Maydens most vnfitting,
And so thinke I, with a downe downe derrie.
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