Partant pour la Syrie
For Syrian fields preparing,
Dunois the young and bold,
While trumpet-calls were blaring
And drums impatient rolled,
Two boons the best and rarest
At Mary's shrine implored:
“To love the maiden fairest,
To bear the bravest sword!”
True faith outvalues daring;
Dunois was sword and shield,
His liege's banner bearing
On many a bloody field.
Still faithful, fearless, prayed he,
In camp or march or fight:
“Be mine the fairest lady,
Be hers the bravest knight!”
“And now we are victorious,
Dunois,” declared his lord;
“By thee my name is glorious,
And this be thy reward:
My daughter Isabella
Straightway her love shall plight;
The fairest damozella
To match the bravest knight!”
At Mary's altar kneeling
They pledged their vows of love,
While wedding-bells were pealing
A blessing from above.
“Be love and fame their dower!”
All cried out in delight;
“For she is beauty's flower,
And he the bravest knight!”
Dunois the young and bold,
While trumpet-calls were blaring
And drums impatient rolled,
Two boons the best and rarest
At Mary's shrine implored:
“To love the maiden fairest,
To bear the bravest sword!”
True faith outvalues daring;
Dunois was sword and shield,
His liege's banner bearing
On many a bloody field.
Still faithful, fearless, prayed he,
In camp or march or fight:
“Be mine the fairest lady,
Be hers the bravest knight!”
“And now we are victorious,
Dunois,” declared his lord;
“By thee my name is glorious,
And this be thy reward:
My daughter Isabella
Straightway her love shall plight;
The fairest damozella
To match the bravest knight!”
At Mary's altar kneeling
They pledged their vows of love,
While wedding-bells were pealing
A blessing from above.
“Be love and fame their dower!”
All cried out in delight;
“For she is beauty's flower,
And he the bravest knight!”
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