Passionate Aesthete to His Love, The: Andrew Lang and Oscar Wilde Turn a Nursery Rhyme into a Rondeau Redouble -
A NDREW Lang and O SCAR W ILDE Turn a Nursery Rhyme into a Rondeau Redouble .Curly locks, Curly locks, wilt thou be mine?
Thou shalt not wash dishes nor yet feed the swine,
But sit on a cushion and sew a fine seam,
And feast upon strawberries, sugar and cream.
Curly-locks, Curly-locks, brighten and beam
Joyous assent with a rapturous sign;
Hasten the Vision — quicken the Dream —
Curly-locks, Curly-locks, wilt thou be mine?
Curly-locks, Curly-locks; come, do not deem
Thou need'st not be mindful of sheep or of kine;
Thou shalt not peel onions nor cook them in steam,
Thou shalt not wash dishes nor yet feed the swine.
Curly-locks, Curly-locks, thou shalt recline
Languid and limp by a silvery stream;
Thou shalt not grieve though the world is malign,
But sit on a cushion and sew a fine seam.
Curly-locks, Curly-locks, oft as we dine
I shall read verses of mine — ream upon ream;
Whilst thou shalt applaud me with, " Ah, that is fine, "
And feast upon strawberries, sugar and cream.
Come, while the days are all laughter and shine;
Come, while the nights are all silence and gleam.
Youth is a goblet; Love is the wine;
And Life is a lyric that has but one theme;
" Curly-locks — Curly-locks! " Englishlove poemlove poemslove poems for herlove poetrypoems about loveromantic poems
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