Preparatory Meditations: Part 2 - Meditation 12: Ezek. 37.24. David my Servant shall be their King
Dull, Dull indeed! What shall it e're be thus?
And why? Are not thy Promises, my Lord,
Rich, Quick'ning things? How should my full Cheeks blush
To finde mee thus? And those a lifeless Word?
My Heart is heedless: unconcernd hereat:
I finde my Spirits Spiritless, and flat.
Thou Courtst mine Eyes in Sparkling Colours bright,
Most bright indeed, and soul enamoring,
With the most Shining Sun, whose beames did smite
Me with delightfull Smiles to make mee spring.
Embellisht knots of Love assault my minde
Which still is Dull, as if this Sun ne're shin'de.
David in all his gallantry now comes,
Bringing to tende thy Shrine, his Royall Glory,
Rich Prowess, Prudence, Victories, Sweet Songs,
And Piety to Pensill out thy Story;
To draw my Heart to thee in this brave shine
Of typick Beams, most warm. But still I pine.
Shall not this Lovely Beauty, Lord, set out
In Dazzling Shining Flashes 'fore mine Eye,
Enchant my heart, Love's golden mine, till't spout
Out Streames of Love refin'd that on thee lie?
Thy Glory's great: Thou Davids Kingdom shalt
Enjoy for aye. I want and thats my fault.
Spare me, my Lord, spare me, I greatly pray,
Let me thy Gold pass through thy Fire untill
Thy Fire refine, and take my filth away.
That I may shine like Gold, and have my fill
Of Love for thee; untill my Virginall
Chime out in Changes sweet thy Praises shall.
Wipe off my Rust, Lord, with thy wisp me scoure,
And make thy Beams pearch on my Strings their blaze.
My tunes Cloath with thy Shine, and Quavers poure
My Cursing Strings on, loaded with thy Praise.
My Fervent Love with Musick in her hand,
Shall then attend thyselfe, and thy Command.
And why? Are not thy Promises, my Lord,
Rich, Quick'ning things? How should my full Cheeks blush
To finde mee thus? And those a lifeless Word?
My Heart is heedless: unconcernd hereat:
I finde my Spirits Spiritless, and flat.
Thou Courtst mine Eyes in Sparkling Colours bright,
Most bright indeed, and soul enamoring,
With the most Shining Sun, whose beames did smite
Me with delightfull Smiles to make mee spring.
Embellisht knots of Love assault my minde
Which still is Dull, as if this Sun ne're shin'de.
David in all his gallantry now comes,
Bringing to tende thy Shrine, his Royall Glory,
Rich Prowess, Prudence, Victories, Sweet Songs,
And Piety to Pensill out thy Story;
To draw my Heart to thee in this brave shine
Of typick Beams, most warm. But still I pine.
Shall not this Lovely Beauty, Lord, set out
In Dazzling Shining Flashes 'fore mine Eye,
Enchant my heart, Love's golden mine, till't spout
Out Streames of Love refin'd that on thee lie?
Thy Glory's great: Thou Davids Kingdom shalt
Enjoy for aye. I want and thats my fault.
Spare me, my Lord, spare me, I greatly pray,
Let me thy Gold pass through thy Fire untill
Thy Fire refine, and take my filth away.
That I may shine like Gold, and have my fill
Of Love for thee; untill my Virginall
Chime out in Changes sweet thy Praises shall.
Wipe off my Rust, Lord, with thy wisp me scoure,
And make thy Beams pearch on my Strings their blaze.
My tunes Cloath with thy Shine, and Quavers poure
My Cursing Strings on, loaded with thy Praise.
My Fervent Love with Musick in her hand,
Shall then attend thyselfe, and thy Command.
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