
Salem, peaceful city, blest,
Where the Ark of God did rest, —
Where the voice of prayer ascended,
With the silver trumpets blended, —
Where the incense, daily given,
Rose and reached the courts of Heaven, —
Peaceful city, home of love,
Type of better things above!

Here be peace, like that bestowed,
Salem, here from Israel's God!
Here the voice of daily prayer,
Sweetest music on the air,
From each angel hither come, —
Fill the chambers of our home;
Here be felt Jehovah's power,
Shielding in the dangerous hour!

Salem, in thy Lodge be love,
While the Orient Sun shall move!
May all strife and discord fail
As the fogs his rays dispel!
May the fruitage of the soul
Ripen 'neath his warm control!
And to all be heavenly grace,
Salem, seat of love and peace!
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