There's No Lust like to Poetry

Sweet in goodly fellowship
Tastes red wine and rare O!
But to kiss a girl's ripe lip
Is a gift more fair O!
Yet a gift more sweet, more fine,
Is the lyre of Maro!
While these three good gifts were mine,
I'd not change with Pharaoh.

Bacchus wakes within my breast
Love and love's desire,
Venus comes and stirs the blessed
Rage of Phaebus' fire;
Deathless honor is our due
From the laureled sire:
Woe should I turn traitor to
Wine and love and lyre!

Should a tyrant rise and say,
" Give up wine! " I'd do it;
" Love no girls! " I would obey,
Though my heart should rue it.
" Dash thy lyre! " suppose he saith,
Naught should bring me to it;
" Yield thy lyre or die! " my breath,
Dying, should thrill through it!
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