Tifty's Nanny

‘There springs a rose in Fyvie's yard,
And O but it springs bonny!
There 's a daisy in the middle of it,
Its name is Andrew Lammie.

‘I wish the rose were in my breast,
For the love I bear the daisy;
So blyth and merry as I would be,
And kiss my Andrew Lammie.

‘The first time I and my love met
Was in the wood of Fyvie;
He kissëd and he dawted me,
Calld me his bonny Annie.

‘Wi apples sweet he did me treat,
Which stole my heart so canny,
And ay sinsyne himself was kind,
My bonny Andrew Lammie.’

‘But I am going to Edinburgh,
My love, I 'm going to leave thee;’
She sighd full sore, and said no more,
‘I wish I were but wi you.’

‘I will buy thee a wedding-gown,
My love, I 'll buy it bonny;’
‘But I 'll be dead or ye come back,
My bonny Andrew Lammie.’

‘I will buy you brave bridal shoes,
My love, I 'll buy them bonny;’
‘But I 'll be dead or ye come back,
My bonny Andrew Lammie.’

‘If you 'll be true and trusty too,
As I am Andrew Lammie,
That you will neer kiss lad nor lown
Till I return to Fyvie.’

‘I shall be true and trusty too,
As my name 's Tifty's Nanny,
That I 'll kiss neither lad nor lown
Till you return to Fyvie.’—

‘Love pines awa, love dwines awa,
Love pines awa my body;
And love 's crept in at my bed-foot,
And taen possession o me.

‘My father drags me by the hair,
My mother sore does scold me;
And they would give one hundred merks
To any one to wed me.

‘My sister stands at her bower-door,
And she full sore does mock me,
And when she hears the trumpet sound,—
“Your cow is lowing, Nanny!”

‘O be still, my sister Jane,
And leave off all your folly;
For I 'd rather hear that cow low
Than all the kye in Fyvie.

‘My father locks the door at night,
Lays up the keys fu canny,
And when he hears the trumpet sound,—
“Your cow is lowing, Nanny!”

‘O hold your tongue, my father dear,
And let be a' your folly;
For I would rather hear that cow
Than all the kye in Fyvie.’

‘If you ding me, I will greet,
And gentlemen will hear me;
Laird Fyvie will be coming by,
And he 'll come in and see me.’

‘Yea, I will ding you though ye greet
And gentlemen should hear you;
Though Laird Fyvie were coming by,
And did come in and see you.’

So they dang her, and she grat,
And gentlemen did hear her,
And Fyvie he was coming by,
And did come in to see her.

‘Mill of Tifty, give consent,
And let your daughter marry;
If she were full of as high blood
As she is full of beauty,
I would take her to myself,
And make her my own lady.’

‘Fyvie lands ly broad and wide,
And O but they ly bonny!
But I would not give my own true-love
For all the lands in Fyvie.

‘But make my bed, and lay me down,
And turn my face to Fyvie,
That I may see before I die
My bonny Andrew Lammie.’

They made her bed, and laid her down,
And turnd her face to Fyvie;
She gave a groan, and died or morn,
So neer saw Andrew Lammie.

Her father sorely did lament
The loss of his dear Nannie,
And wishd that he had gien consent
To wed with Andrew Lammie.

But ah! alas! it was too late,
For he could not recall her;
Through time unhappy is his fate,
Because he did controul her.

You parents grave who children have,
In crushing them be canny,
Lest for their part they break their heart,
As did young Tifty's Nanny.
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