The Transcendent Excellency of CHRIST in his Person and Offices, and the Soul desirous to love Him


J ESUS , how precious is thy Name!
The great J EHOVAH'S Darling, Thou!
O let me catch th' immortal Flame,
With which Angelic Bosoms glow!
Since Angels love Thee, I would love,
And imitate the Blest above.


My Prophet Thou, my heav'nly Guide,
Thy sweet Instructions I will hear,
The Words, that from thy Lips proceed,
O how divinely sweet they are!
Thee, my great Prophet , I would love,
And imitate the Blest above.


My great High-Priest , whose precious Blood
Did once atone upon the Cross,
Who now dost intercede with God ,
And plead the friendless Sinner's Cause;
In Thee I trust; Thee I would love,
And imitate the Blest above.


My King supreme, to Thee I bow,
A willing Subject at thy Feet;
All other Lords I disavow,
And to thy Government submit:
My Saviour-King this Heart would love,
And imitate the Blest above.


Transcendant Prince! for ever dear,
Dearer than thousand Worlds to me,
Shall bold presumptuous Rivals dare
Pretend to share my Love with Thee?
Thee above all this heart would love,
And imitate the Blest above.
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