Wit's Ramble
In former times, dear Wit was whirl'd
Through azure clouds above,
To take a trip all round the world,
And try and find out Love.
From his light home as he came forth,
In chariot and a pair,
Says he, " I'll drive towards the North,
" And see if Love be there. "
But soon the North he left in ire,
And said, " Those heaps I see
" Of drifted snow, would chill Love's fire,
" And he must wither'd be.
" Oh Love, his home could never make
" Where ice-drops load the air,
" So to the East a trip I'll take,
" And see if Love be there. "
But when Wit reach'd the Eastern skies,
He heard a light voice say,
" From this choice spot come all the wise,
" And Love is far away."
" Oh! ho! " says Wit, " if such a sprite
" Your climate may not share,
" Swift to the West I'll wing my flight,
" And see if Love be there. "
In Erin then Wit sought the Boy,
And in a myrtle grove,
On Beauty's lap, to Wit's great joy,
He saw the urehin, Love.
Says Wit, " Oh Beauty, thou art blest:
" Each minute that rolls by
" Would darkling be, did not your guest
" Illume it with his sigh. "
In former times, dear Wit was whirl'd
Through azure clouds above,
To take a trip all round the world,
And try and find out Love.
From his light home as he came forth,
In chariot and a pair,
Says he, " I'll drive towards the North,
" And see if Love be there. "
But soon the North he left in ire,
And said, " Those heaps I see
" Of drifted snow, would chill Love's fire,
" And he must wither'd be.
" Oh Love, his home could never make
" Where ice-drops load the air,
" So to the East a trip I'll take,
" And see if Love be there. "
But when Wit reach'd the Eastern skies,
He heard a light voice say,
" From this choice spot come all the wise,
" And Love is far away."
" Oh! ho! " says Wit, " if such a sprite
" Your climate may not share,
" Swift to the West I'll wing my flight,
" And see if Love be there. "
In Erin then Wit sought the Boy,
And in a myrtle grove,
On Beauty's lap, to Wit's great joy,
He saw the urehin, Love.
Says Wit, " Oh Beauty, thou art blest:
" Each minute that rolls by
" Would darkling be, did not your guest
" Illume it with his sigh. "
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