Ye've often, for our drunkenness

Y E'VE often, for our drunkenness,
Blamed us in ev'ry way,
And, in abuse of drunkenness,
Enough can never say.
Men, overcome by drunkenness,
Are wont to lie till day;
And yet I find my drunkenness
All night-time make me stray;
For, oh! 'tis Love's sweet drunkenness
That maketh me its prey,
Which, night and day, and day and night,
My heart must needs obey, —

A heart that, in its drunkenness,
Pours forth full many a lay,
So that no trifling drunkenness
Can dare assert its sway.
Love, song, and wine's sweet drunkenness,
By night-time and by day, —
How god-like is the drunkenness
That maketh me its prey!
Author of original: 
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
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