To yonder Friend heart-soothing Thanks with complaint I mell

To yonder Friend heart-soothing Thanks with complaint I mell;
If love's finesse thou wottest, List to the tale I tell.

All that I wrought of service Thank-and-reward-less passed;
God, be none else allotted Lord so implacable!

To topers athirst none giveth A drop of water to drink;
'T would seem that the lovers of merit Have bidden the realm farewell!

O heart, of the snare of her tresses Beware; for therein to be seen
Are heads, for no fault dissevered, Of lovers uncountable.

Thine eye with its glances drinketh Our blood and thou sufferest it.
O soul, 'tis not lawful to further The bloodshedder fierce and fell!

Amidward this night of blackness, Lost, lost, is the way of my wish:
Arise, o thou star of guidance, And shine from thy secret cell!

Wherever I turn, there's nothing Increaseth on me save fear;
Oh, out on this way unending, This desert unsearchable!

No end unto this Love's highway May be conceived; for lo!
An hundred thousand stages, E'en in its first, befell.

My heart, o thou sun of the lovely, A-boil is. Suffer me,
Though but for a breath, in the shadow Of thy protection dwell!

Mine honour though thou hast ravished, Thy door I'll not forsake.
Friend's harshness than enemies' favour Is more acceptable.

Love to thine outcry only Cometh, though thou by heart
The Koran in all the versions, Like Hafiz, know full well.
Author of original: 
Khwaja Shams-ad-din Muhammad Hafiz
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