
This is an anthology of mystic poems written in Malayalam by Fathimathul Vaheeda. The book consists of fifty poems that have mystical elements enriched with the divine love between the poet and the God. Each of the poems aesthetically demystifies the yearning of the poet to melt into God.

"This wandering seeks your love;
That is undefinable– of your divine light
Oh God, let me cleanse all praises
Amidst the prostrations– with my deep love"

The poet expresses her irrepressible love to melt into the light of the creator of the planet. Though the verses are short, but the meaning trapped in those verses leads the readers into unfathomable feelings; into the metaphysical state wherein 'God and Poet' seem to have dissolved as a single entity, or her uncontrollable aspirations to feel the existence of the God. The longing that the poet keeps throughout the poems to know the supernatural power can be grasped while reading the verses.
The prostrations are the moments in the prayer in which one becomes so close to the God. The verses explicitly share that– for the poet, the divine love is prayer. Through this lonely conversation with the God, one can become more close to him. The writer goes on letting the God know her desire to refine her praising of him with her profound love.

"Aren't all in vain
Except the remembrance of You"

She reminds the readers that everything in the world is useless except the remembrance of the God; she finds the remembrance of God as the only benefit that lasts forever.

"Oh You, who is the creator
Of the moments, motions, and atoms
How wonderful are your divine verses!"

These verses sound more of a direct exchanging of feelings to God. The excitement the poet encountered while reciting the holy verses from God can be seen in the poems. The aesthetic sense of the holy scripture which is in-depth in meaning and its semantical structures seem miraculous for the poet.

"Aren't these eyes to see you
Aren't these ears to hear you
Oh God,
When I know you,
When I hear you,
When I melt in you
I absorb the divine voices
Of perfection"

The attempts she makes to reach at the perfection can be felt in the poem. She makes a monologue while addressing the Lord about the blessings that she has been blessed with. What else the eyes can be used for, apart from seeing you! What else the ears can be used for, apart from hearing you! Then she ends up the address by stating that I could achieve the divine ecstasy once I’m melted in you– by knowing and hearing you (God).

"Do you know
Where does the love flow to?
I'm journeying to you
Through the paths of soul"

The poet contemplates of the soul through which she can achieve the perfection of knowing the God. For that, the medium she possessed is the love– the prayers that come out of heart to get into the utmost intimacy with God.

“My eyes conflict with the night
That the darkness and tears
Touched upon
Oh God, show me the path
Into your light!”

The loneliness the poet encountered with– in the midst of the night with tears flowing on cheeks shows the readers of her crave to somehow melt in the light of God, the ultimate truth. At the late moments of each night, amidst the prostrations, the lover yearns her beloved's love, to shower it to her as a divine mercy.

“I want to flow into the bottom
Of the soul that you hid
And know the secret of your love
Then I want to dissolve in you
And end up in you!”

The poet doesn’t stop her longing; to feel the Lord. Finally, she concludes her divine yearnings by devoting all her prayers in front of the God.
In Kerala, Fathimathul Vaheeda might be the first poet who touched upon the mystical aspects in the poetry. As we know, Jalaluddin Rumi is considered as a Sufi mystic and can be seen the mystical elements in his poems. Such divine elements can also be seen in Vaheeda's poems as well.

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