The Love Child

Where the bridge out at Woodley did stride,
Wi' his wide arches' cool sheäded bow,
Up above the clear brook that did slide
By the popples, befoam'd white as snow:
As the gilcups did quiver among
The white deäisies, a-spread in a sheet.
There a quick-trippen maid come along, —
Aye, a girl wi' her light-steppen veet.

An' she cried " I do praÿè, is the road
Out to Lincham on here, by the meäd? "
An' " oh! ees, " I meäde answer, an' show'd
Her the way it would turn an' would leäd:

Song 'When Love Came First'


When Love came first to Earth, the Spring
Spread rosebeds to receive him;
And back he vowed his flight he'd wing
To Heaven, if she should leave him.

But Spring departing saw his faith
Pledged to the next new comer —
He revelled in the warmer breath
And richer bowers of Summer.

Then sportive Autumn claimed by rights


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