The universe is either underlyingly deterministic or not...
Both of these options are truly amazing

The womb either loves the child or not...
Both of these options are verily amazing

The sun has a soul or it does not and never did...
Both of these options are truly amazing

There is either free will or there isn't...
Both of these options are verily amazing

The universe either had a start or it didn't...
Both of these options are truly amazing

There is either life out there in outer space or there isn't...
Both of these options are verily amazing

There is either intelligent life out there in outer space or there isn't...
Both of these options are truly amazing

A person will either die forever or live forever...
Both of these options are verily amazing

You either love me altruistically or you don't...
Both of these options are truly amazing

A woman once asked me:                                               "¿How has Japan changes you?"






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