Ami I directionless
devoid of compass
to travel exotic places
where lilac trees sob
or laugh in dusty breeze
the sand this raw vehicle
of opal transit
through multi verse
succulent plum
net bag of niche
mauve rim canopy
a gilt ring  culprit
stirring taxi cabs
of rampant scruple
hyperlink to purpose
my gold rush stray
foot trudge must
have steel encased.
undulating upshot
entangled migrant feint
based on sun scorch
dodge for straw hut
dwelling or any elm
wood lodge where
observations on
roads, hills, slopes
when bearing meets
ground along dry path
data swirling without
cease bar the odd
intermission one may
count not to appear
when physique has
those many harrowing
gasps, taut breathe
that chronic quest
for rationale that
seems an urgent
lack, a load upon
some already barren
former sage at the
idyllic outset which
now futile reference
yet final point must
eventually beckon
but will this sentient
philosopher on leaf
strewn route  both
beneath a boot
crunch so firm
I had almost
felt divorced from
but then bright dawn
lure an impetus
to further passage
pretext to saunter
whilst keeping still
would unsettle tawdry
slant which relief
at present so remote
I must reflect a while
otherwise a moiety
of cerebral aspect
will be squandered
rude reckoning aside
lapse into sullen
vacuum found across
a link yet fully
left for solid
queries later stamped
by sudden wish terrain
Whenever surface yearning
has sufficient leeway
home return beckons
shelter for the limb
subjected  to gruelling
marathon after marathon
I dream of long vacant 
afternoons and evenings
relief at last within reach




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