The raucous sound of seaman voices soar above the cockrow.
Their threadbare jape ensigned in naval briny.
Many’s the yarn that's twisted, coloured, embroidered, embellished in passing.
The highly seasoned local airs their  twang and salted fare.
Bow thruster patois steering every gag.
Scrim of banter drowning out the clank of fetid fish crate.
A ship in transit craves a certain mooring - a lasting berth or dry dock dwelling.
Each port of call a connla’s well jettisoned.
Nine hazel trees of knowledge sank their roots
in native delos or asteria.
Unagi eels and chinook salmon clog the woven grid net.
Piraeus port haven in broad daylight.
Long Greek walls best left to the canvass of the mind.
Harbour master’s  notice board a starkly worded warning whose rusty edges crumble with their paint.
Clamping fee... release fee... oh fie.
Edge of wharf eatery courting curbside clientele.
Halyard rope bell hop with a catch!.
Grandee gourmet, gormless glutton, wolfing up his garni sated cod.
Condescending Chablis connoisseur.
Rare indeed are those who have to toil for what they relish.
Those who ride the waves  reveal their hand.
Pot trap worn palm, weather chapped forehead, algal bloom nausea.
They know the price of someone else's joy



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