My random assortment of odd souvenirs—
Detritus unneeded I've always displayed
On shelves and in cases—this morning appears
Familiar and foreign, a sudden parade.

"So what's the occasion?" I wonder, dismayed,
But still from the sidelines with whistles and cheers,
I wave to the figures, the plastic, the jade,
My random assortment of odd souvenirs

Aglitter with dust.  How it swirlingly sears,
Aloft in a sunbeam but starting to fade,
A dampness encrusting my lashes with tears.
Detritus!  Unneeded!  I've always displayed

Emotions like tchotchkes!  I keep them assayed,
Reserved for occasions my intellect clears!
They're polished and ready, not shabbily frayed
On shelves and in cases!
  This morning appears

To bother me slightly, to daub me with fears,
My guts in a fluttering, spinning cascade.
Control it.  Dispense with the sobbing and jeers,
Familiar and foreign, a sudden parade

That beckons me, begs me to join it.  Betrayed,
I crumple the calendar.  Memory rears
And slashes me jagged, its hoof like a blade.
Today's when she gave me the pony that steers
My random assortment.



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