From time to time I feel low,
Low in self-esteem, low-keyed,
A low man on the totem pole,
Born acrophobic, I dwell
mostly at a lower level;
The higher I aspire
The lower I fall.
Life often low balls me,
And my spirit keeps a low morale.
Maybe I come across as
a low bred and a lowbrow person.
Conspired by the sun and the moon,
My sea always rest at a low tide.
Shell-shocked by
my low-minded destiny,
My fate and I have to have
a high level showdown soon.
In the meantime
I'll keep a low profile.

Be that as it may,
It's not that I mostly
inhabit the low world,
I am a patron of high hopes,
High cholesterol, High blood pressure,
And high sugar level.
I am a high-strung person,
But, thankfully, not highfalutin!
Shy of highways, I frequent
the by-lanes and side streets.
Hijacked and high-handed by Time,
I live a high-pressured life.
I think now is the high time
to lay down the highlights of my life.
From the highs and lows of life
But this I have learned:
Not to gaze so high as ambition,
And to look no lower than despair.



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