Old walk clock.
Slave  driver of an infinite chronicle, 
eternal magistrate, foreman at the everlasting forefront.
Metronomic tick tock, soundtrack,
or feeble background noise.
Egg shape Ovid metaphor,
end of wall brick pointer  to the universal timeframe.
Bought in  local pawn shop where,
mystique hones a  tangible  longevity.
Bargain basement birthright strictly hush-hush.
Shylock skinflint mind  begrudgingly unveils assets.
Benighted loan shark,
Guilt free benefit a stained ruse,
mean soul “beggars” description!
passage, time in succession.
Unearthly  borrower blight upon,
the debt defaulting albatross.
Hidden contract’s five o’clock shadow,
mouldy ink or laundry stain indelible.
Ghost writer’s conscience free hand,
glides down the ages, struck by homely vacuum.
Second  hand playwright who hacks it ,
with those bits and bobs that  thicken every plot.
Nod and wink curator of the  halcyon bygone days(nights).
Houdini in the  hour glass that  never knows the hour,
dodging mortal closure for awhile.
A stoic sentry's arcane tour of duty without lull,
or momentary halt of any kind
Rock around the clock.
Impassive  product of an ancient,
yet enduring craft where silence,
is a deadly telltale blip.
Grim reapers cutting  tool  so willingly,
entombed on every harvest.
Denouement in Tae Kwon Do for,
the  sudden death brigade without remorse.
Arbiter of earthly dwelling now holds court.
Beware this judge for whom there's no appeal



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