Germ of essence.
Human blob.
Shattered eggshell to the chicklet hatched.
Interlocking  family of a  kingdom.
Beget or begone? Antigone!
Pouch bearing mammal  with no issue for her milk a plenty.
Enlightened species on
a zodiac sign.
Propagating genus wild and free yet stillborn.
Wet nurse in a pregnant phase,
but still a child at hearth or so it seems.
Meadow grazing Macropod fazes,
antipodean observer all the while.
New arrival signage whose laboured footprint,
chills  on every impact.
Courier from catacombs, fateful torch aloft,
flambeau at a glance where toddlers cheer,
sonnet form heraldry ablaze with kindling verse.
Human destination thread that spins a hopeful tale.
Cave of legends halting site persevered by household zeal.
Stalagmite, stalactite, granite grey day gulag’s natal spasm.
Troglodyte who once did tramp,
upon a uterine tunnel trading in survival for relief.
Embryonic creeper stuck on  dry wall canvas.
Border crossing  cradle cordons offf checkpoint,
never mind the cost or inconvenience.
Acorn random toss, mighty oak seed trap,
between a leaf and fallen log.
Flower pollen stigma,
never seen as shameful to the fertile mind.
Tree of life penumbra casts a limelight shade.
Concepts pulse the mind like nascent parabolic,
kites that stymie outcome.
Genesis of brainwave.....
nurtured by insightful minds,
and marble carver tomes.
Olympic status offspring budding Einstein,
athletic  player on the ball.
Thought, the inner urchin magnet probing,
deep inside magenta labyrinths.
Wheel of fortune‘s mumsy shadow ova.
Masterful philosophy storing  foetal logic,
on some growth cell’s wellspring fountain.
Infant augur embers fan their winter  flame regardless.
Birthright , birthstone,
birth pang, the reproductive organs of infinity,
whose algebraic series has no final chapter scheduled



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