is pain transferable?

physical, yes
we hurt each other
all the time
a kick, a hit, a slap,
we know this pain
we can make others feel this pain
this hurt inside out
we push and push
some you can hold but some you cannot
this pain we know

mental pain
this pain is internal
how can this pain hurt others

oh but it can

this pain sneaks and thieves


you don’t really know it’s there
till they’re gone

and then
are left with the pain



what do I do now??
you left
and all I have left
is what made you leave

how could you
but now I understand

I know

I feel

this mountain sits on your chest
and holds you
but not in an embrace
but as a jail cell holds a prisoner
you’re trapped

beneath this mountain of pain
the only way out is up

but you can’t see anymore
if you look up

you’d see
see the sun
see our love
see the future

because your future
is so bright

but beneath this mountain
your eyes closed in pain
how could you see?

share it I beg


let me share this burden
because if I lose you

i can’t lose you

i can’t
i can’t
i can’t

so look up



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