He yearns for her, a masochistic thrill
Runs through him; he will suffer this. 
His voice is envy-green, like rolling hills. 
He knows he would do anything for her, kill 
A man to earn her favour, earn a kiss. 
He yearns for her, a masochistic thrill. 
He fights against the world to show his will
And throws his punches; passion cannot miss. 
His voice is envy-green, like rolling hills. 
She is almost an ocean; he drinks his fill 
Careless that the salt will kill. Careless – it is bliss.
He yearns for her, a masochistic thrill. 
He knows she’ll never be his to hold, yet still 
He hopes: a hopeless hope is his. 
His voice is envy-green, like rolling hills.
She offers to write for him: the quill
Bloody and fresh-plucked, painful like a kiss. 
He yearns for her, a masochistic thrill-
His voice is envy-green, like rolling hills.



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