Blue  mood skies somber and morose,
unleash torrid spheres,
they lavish lachrymose reign of wet blobs,
blessing,  bane or boon from vast expanse,
moist morph form the stuff of grumpy weather grouch,
whose plight infuses yen for sun drenched bliss,
haven of the ultra-violet swathe enthusiast,
for others a glossy liquid gem relish,
to sate the arid land voracious,
to whet the vernal craving of nascent  pastures,
whose gaunt green blade emaciating stillborn,
hue-blazed petal garden in situ bloomer,
thrives on efflorescing cloudburst drizzle,
a mystic  teasing rain shape stream on window pane,
their tap dance roof top ritual,
tantalise the  awestruck spellbound eardrum,
magically intrude on tender courtship strollers,
prompting laughter as they flaunt  sleek  umbrellas,
a red blooded cower in a tilting makeshift shelter,
playful urchins in their soggy  element shriek amid the baubles



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