Deep blood red orange cloud’s ethereal dream float,
Satin wind carrier of luscious mint,
green hymnody’s deft transport,
Spring hues random loitering,
between gray peeled branches,
Chirpy echo squeak from red-wing blackbird,
A fragile wafer tin threshold,
Golden stream gurgle under marsh reeds ~
Evanescent saline grain haze,
Azure ocean tide aroused from still wave slumber,
Clamshell pearl strewn oyster oddments interspersed,
on pockmark sandstone beach,
Iridescent canopy of nature trail,
Awaits the first blush pilgrim,
who revels in lavish glimpses,
And sumptuous earworm madrigal ~
A tantalizing world so close,
Glad tiding raptures from the camper awakened,
Coffee caper bean whiff aromatic,
Quencher of dust road harsh throat,
Splatter free rapeseed oil  daub on an iron pan,
wild howl from prehistoric wolf,
So quaint in its primal sweep,
hair-raising backdrop to stir fry meal-
Tinplate dollop sated hunger



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