by Celine

“A stargirl
Gazes at the stars, looking upon her dreams
As the night softly wanes
And her imagination chains

As comets
Sketch shimmery streaks across sky’s canvas
Her eyes wide open
She embellishes the sky with ten

Paper stars
She folds one end of the strip o’er the other
Pulling the end through the hole
Flattening it with her palms
Tucking in the corners
Pinching the pointy triangles
Her eyes wide open
For ten days and night

Hush, says the mockingbird
Don’t you say a word

Then the stargirl
Carves glyphs onto the back of pieces of paper
She makes her stars with.
A wordsmith for the myths

throughout History–
Orihime and Hikoboshi, Jupiter and Uranus and Zeus
E’er-so-lasting on the celestial ma’erial
Documenting cultures of a thousand worlds
Marking the ups and downs of a thousand civilizations
Recording human wisdom
Carrying message to future gens

O’ stars
Their lightt spars
With asteroids and elements to travel afar,
And to reach human eye, its jarring shards
Reflects light from thousands of lighty’ars

Doth the stargirl dreams
To leave a legacy more than her dress’s seams”

        — Love, stargirl



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