
At starry skies while gazing i came to realizations
That in my life I've only loved blue moons and constellations
I've always yearned for anything that wasn't in my reach
Then tore my heart apart and gave a piece of love to each

Your spirit filled my soul just like a hand inside a glove
My heart was making sure that it was capable of love
It's kind of like you're testing if the brakes work in your car
But if you keep on testing you won't make it any far

The second that you loved me back, i left. It wasn't fair
It seems as though I'm testing my ability to care
I think I'll keep on making sure my car's brakes are still working
The thought of love and heartbreak makes me feel as if I'm choking

I'm making sure my heart can love, just so it doesn't rust
I sadly wasn't blessed with the ability to trust
They promised me that patience and self love will make it stop
But effortlessly I can feel
i sure was built to hope

I know that she is out there and one day my heart will find her
I know that she's forgetful but I'll be there to remind her
How beautiful she is and how polite, I'll get poetic
Descriptions and resemblances that make me sound pathetic

I know that she is out there and some day our hearts will meet
The gaps between my fingers hers will fill, I'll be complete
My angel and my soulmate, we're two halves of a whole
Who cares if one is bigger than the other one that's small?

I know that it will feel correct and it won't make me nauseous
I'm certain it will be true love, with no need to be cautious
I'll fall in love with pebbles and starfishes from the beach
Until hope, like a compass will just guide me to her reach



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