a class act

social justice is a class act
talking is a social class act
a crime is a class act
talking a crime is talking a social crime
talking a crime is talking a social justice
justice is a social justice
justice is a social crime

justice is a class act
a social justice is a social class act
the talk of a crime is the talk of a petty crime
a petty crime is a petty class act
crime is a petty crime
crime is a talking petty crime
a petty crime is the talk of a petty crime

all high n mighty

a number is all high n mighty
a wise number is a wise mighty number
outclass is being outclass by a wise number
all high n mighty is all high n classy
all high n mighty is all high n outclass
a number is a classy number
a class is a classy number

a class is a wise number
a winner is a wise winner
a winner is a classy winner
a winner is a winning number
a winner is outclass by a winning number
a winning number is outclass by a winning number
all high n mighty is all high n wise

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