lethal woman

paradise is lethal
paradise is a set of lethal eyes
hell is a wheel of hell
hell is a wheel of lethal eyes
a woman is a wheel of a woman
a woman is a wheel of hell
a wheel is a wheel of hell

a wheel is a wheel of lethal eyes
a wheel is a wheel of paradise
the time of a wheel is the time of a lethal woman
a wheel is a time of a wheel
a wheel is a time of paradise
a hell of a time is a hell of a wheel
time is a hell of a wheel

Ange De Mon Pays D’Ébène

Éloigné de mes vœux
Je te suis des yeux.

Femme d’un paradis présomptueux
Tout le monde qui te regarde
Parce que tu prends tes gardes.

Mon cœur a traversé le voile de tes cieux
Tu as toisé les étincelles de mon feu.

Tu es jolie comme un diamant précieux
Comme une fleur d’un printemps pas encore vieux
Oh ! Qui suis-je pour viser un sourire si délicieux ?

Angel of My Ebony Country

Exiled from my wishes
I follow you with my eyes.

Woman of a presumptuous paradise
Everyone is staring at you
Because you take your guard.

My heart has crossed the hymen of your skies
You have looked down on the sparks of my fire.

You are pretty like a precious diamond
Like a flower of a spring not yet old
Oh! Who am I to aim for such a delicious smile?

Barbara Gray

A mourning woman, robed in black,
Stands in the twilight, looking back;
Her hand is one her heart, her head
Bends musingly above the Dead,
Her face is plain, and pinch'd, and thin,
But splendour strikes it from within.


" B ARBARA Gray !
Pause, and remember what the world will say,"
I cried, and turning on the threshold fled,
When he was breathing on his dying bed;
But when, with heart grown bold,
I cross'd the threshold cold,
Here lay John Hamerton, and he was dead.



Yellow dust on a bumble
bee's wing,
Grey lights in a woman's
asking eyes,
Red ruins in the changing
sunset embers:
I take you and pile high
the memories.
Death will break her claws
on some I keep.

Two Blind Men

Two blind men met. Said one: "This earth
Has been a blackout from my birth.
Through darkness I have groped my way,
Forlorn, unknowing night from day.
But you - though War destroyed your sight,
Still have your memories of Light,
And to allay your present pain
Can live your golden youth again."

Then said the second: "Aye, it's true,
It must seem magical to you
To know the shape of things that are,
A women's lips, a rose, a star.
But therein lies the hell of it;
Better my eyes had never lit

Two Women

I know two women, and one is chaste
And cold as the snows on a winters waste,
Stainless ever I act and thought
(As a man, born dumb, in speech errs not) .
But she has malice toward her kind,
A cruel tongue and a jealous mind.
Void of pity and full of greed,
She judges the world by her narrow creed;
A brewer of quarrels, a breeder of hate,
Yet she holds the key to ‘Society’s’ Gate.

The other woman, with heart of flame,
Went mad for a love that marred her name:
And out of the grave of her murdered faith

Two Sinners

There was a man, it was said one time,
Who went astray in his youthful prime.
Can the brain keep cool and the heart keep quiet
When the blood is a river that’s running riot?
And boys will be boys the old folks say,
And the man is better who’s had his day.

The sinner reformed; and the preacher told
Of the prodigal son who came back to the fold.
And Christian people threw open the door,
With a warmer welcome than ever before.
Wealth and honour were his to command,
And a spotless woman gave him her hand.


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