Drinking-Song, A: In Contradiction to an Heroic Amorous Sot
Still to be drunk, with Love or Fame,
A scouring round the World to run,
For a small Whore, or greater Name,
Honour is rather lost, than won;
When drunk with Love, or Fame, the Sot,
More sensless grows, than by the Pot;
Pushing his Friend, or Mistress, to his Shame:
Then Heroes drunk with Vanity,
And Coxcombs with Love's Passion too,
Lead their Lives most dishonourably;
Themselves most mad, or sensless show;
And make their giddy Brains more hot,
By Love or Rage, than by the Pot;
Still to be drunk, with Love or Fame,
A scouring round the World to run,
For a small Whore, or greater Name,
Honour is rather lost, than won;
When drunk with Love, or Fame, the Sot,
More sensless grows, than by the Pot;
Pushing his Friend, or Mistress, to his Shame:
Then Heroes drunk with Vanity,
And Coxcombs with Love's Passion too,
Lead their Lives most dishonourably;
Themselves most mad, or sensless show;
And make their giddy Brains more hot,
By Love or Rage, than by the Pot;