Nonsense Verse
Egbert the Octopus can be viewed, in all his high-IQ'd-ness and adorability, on YouTube.
Egbert the Octopus
is so damn cute
& smarter than u
(the point is moot)
'cause he doesn't pollute
when he commutes,
only, perhaps,
when he (ahem) "poots"!
—michael r. burch
I have also seen the diminutive Einstein's name rendered as Eggbert the Octopus.
by Michael R. Burch
This is a collection of limericks by Michael R. Burch, along with limerick-like poems and other poems written in limerick meter. This limerick collection contains double limericks, triple limericks, and a new version of the double dactyl that I invented, called the "dabble dactyl."
by Michael R. Burch
There once was a mockingbird, Clyde,
who bragged of his prowess, but lied.
To his new wife he sighed,
"When again, gentle bride? "
"Nevermore! " bright-eyed Raven replied.
These are poems that may qualify as doggerel ...
The Humpback
by Michael R. Burch
The humpback is a gullet
equipped with snarky fins.
It has a winning smile:
and when it SMILES, it wins
as miles and miles of herring
excite its fearsome grins.
So beware, unwary whalers,
lest you drown, sans feet and shins!
The Blobfish
by Michael R. Burch
Light Verse I
These are examples of light verse and nonsense verse that I have written for readers of all ages ...
Ars Brevis, Proofreading Longa
by Michael R. Burch
for Brooke Clark
Poets may labor from sun to sun,
but their editor's work is never done.
Dry Hump
by Michael R. Burch