Ifers and Doers


If ifers be doers
And doers be done,
No watchers, no waiters
No procrastinators.
I shun, I shun
The ifers and waiters.
Adore, Adore
The doers and makers.
Aye be bold and
Be brave.
Approach the inevitable in the very same way.
Step up
Step out
Explore your being.
Lest your time be done.
No more chances.
No more dances.
Your time is not if, but done.

The above poem was originally published on Poetica.


The tears of a child, the pain of a mother! A heart full of memories of a dead father! Here’s so much sorrow, in every eye. Nothing but hurt left here, Nothing but bullets, pain, misery and shattered dreams …Yet for the children of world only one equation counts: their shared humanity. We will gather together as brothers, We will gather together as brothers. and we will live in solidarity with others in this world, we are the thirsty souls of a world without divisions. If we merge mercy with might and might with right, then love becomes our legacy and change, our children’s birth right.

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